Sunday, August 7, 2011

Amazing What You Find

The first step in a shoot is to find a place to go.  Today I decided to go to Fort Howard down near Essex, MD.  I did little research merely plucking the location off Google Maps because it was close and faced west.  I had even twittered asking for help finding a new secret location in the area but to no avail.  So I hopped in my car and off to Fort Howard I rode.  When I arrived the place seemed shut down with half the gate closed.  Not wanting to go in and get stuck (and not having a great feeling about the abandoned veteran hospital next door) I decided to leave.  I headed to my fallback location, a safe simple spot in Loch Raven reservoir.  Not too fancy, low risk low reward.

When I finally arrived at Loch Raven I had only minutes to spare before sunset.  I grabbed the camera and the dog and headed down towards the water.  Canadian Geese scattered as we approached.  I set up on the shore and begun working towards a final shot.  I just couldn't get what I was looking for.  I kicked off my shoes and into the water I went.  I was shooting this little clump of trees out in the water but was simply too far away to get them to really pop into the skyline.  So now I'm trudging through the muddy, seaweedy water towards the island.  Again, the Canadian Geese honked in disapproval and swam further away from me.  

About halfway up my legs I decided I was in the right spot.  I continued shooting the ever brightening sunset getting more and more happy with the shot I was getting.  Just like that it was over.  Everything was starting to fade fast.  I headed out of the water and walked back to my shoes.  So now I have muddy feet, muddy tripod, and very muddy dog.  As I walk back to the car I turned around...

And there it was, the shot that was even better then the one I went into the water after.  It is not fantastic, but it is nice.  Some nights nice is all you are going to get.  So I took a series of shots to turn into a panorama then continued to the car.  When I got home and cleaned up I edited my pictures.  Sure enough, the in the water shots were nice, but the panorama was better.  All that work, planning, researching, and driving and the shot I end up displaying was an afterthought.  A lucky turn around shot while walking away.  It's amazing what you find when you are not looking.  And its amazing when you get when you least expect it.  Again, as I always preach, you need to be ready for the moment whether you find the moment or the moment finds you.

Loch Raven Dusk
Click here to see a larger version in my gallery.

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