Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blue Heron In Winter

Blue herons are one of the few wading birds to stick around the Mid Atlantic during the winter.  It uses its long, sharp beak to spear all types of prey.  In fact, they are known to choke on food that is too big for them... they have no sense of what can actually fit down their throats.  I have seen them eat huge bullfrogs, and once a mid sized muskrat.  I am not sure if it managed to get the muskrat down, I think it was a young one, but to even try takes a bit of crazy.

I also always think of a story I was told about a Blue Heron that set up shop in someones backyard.  The homeowner had a small pond stocked with koi.  Within a few days this one heron had completely eaten all the koi.  Expensive koi.  The homeowner was understandably slightly afraid of the heron.  The average wing span of an adult can be up to 6.5 feet!  Thats a big bird!  They often tuck themselves into small balls like the one pictured here, so their size is very deceptive. 

Blue herons, like all wading birds have patience that I can only dream about.  They will sit still while standing or slowly walk around with baby steps in a body of water or right on shore waiting for a fish or other prey to wander too close.  Then it strikes.  As for me, I get impatient when my two hot pockets take 4 minutes in a microwave.  And it really makes me irritated when the Taco Bell drive through has more than 2 cars in line.  

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